Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"said too much but really not enough"

So you make a promise.
And on top of that promise another promise,
too keep that promise.
I'll always love you.
I'll love you when the light shines through.
I'll love you when you start to cry.
I'll be there for you.
You are my life.
Happy tears I'll then turn and cry.
No written words can explain what you are.
No distance from you is ever too far.
You are my child,
I am here for you
....momma, I LOVE YOU TOO.

Baby your smile,
it keeps my heart with you.
Look and there it is,
always a part of you.
Every raindrop that falls from the sky,
is me thinking of you.
Every bird that sings is my happiness towards you too.
Take this ring,
my promise again.
I'll hold you tight,
kiss you light.
And take care of you
....handsome boy, I LOVE YOU TOO.

I'll keep this promise,
be here for you.
Have fun with you.
Laugh harder with you.
Talk on the phone.
Ride my bike,
Sneak out of my home.
Pick you up.
Take you there.
Another memory for us to share
....best friends, I'M THERE FOR YOU TOO.

And the one who started it all.
Who gave us love,
love that is there,
never to fall....I LOVE YOU TOO.

too often i go through my life taking things for granted. Taking love for granted, taking happiness for granted, taking friends and family for granted, taking good times for granted. i don't stop to say i love you, to say i am here for you, and to say thank you. sometimes there is only one chance, then a chance passed up, a chance lost. i cant tell how to live your life, but how to love you life? what is happiness and love if it is not cherished? one and one, that makes two. two and some more grows to be a few. it's like happiness and love. keep it alive. it'll come for you, then grow too.
it goes. it just works.
because i love you.

1 comment:

mariposa said...

Wow, that's beautiful. Thanks :)